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SpiritToSpirits isn't responsible for any activity or actions of our vessels once in your possession. If you have questions please just ask.
Per our shop policy: We must post this" All paranormal stories, dolls-spirits-entities, and spellcasting services are for entertainment purposes only" We don't make any promises of any kind in reference to your purchase. You are purchasing a tangle item/doll. The stories are for entertainment purposes only. (We'll just let you decide that)!

OUR VESSELS AREN'T TOYS THAT YOU JUST WANT TO SEE IF THEY CAN MOVE OR MAKE SOUNDS. You should be fully dedicated to spirit keeping or do not adopt from us, dear.
Questions: Why my spirits aren't showing themselves? These are real spirits (living people) and you should respect them. Focus on showing love, care, and attention to your spirit vessel. Most will show activity very fast and some take time to settle in. Give them time and keep in mind each spirit is different!
Also, remember dear they choose their vessels we don't, so sometimes it won't be a doll that your spirit is bonded to. Sometimes spirits will have to get new vessels if their previous one gets damaged!

Our dolls are active, they knock on walls, open cabinets, touch, move things around the house, turn on the tv/radio, and yes you can see plenty of orbs. They do what they want and sometimes go silent for weeks or even months, it's all normal activity for the spirit. For some reason, a few of my personal spirits are attracted to my ceiling fan, tv, and kitchen faucet, they'll turn them on whenever they feel like it. You get used to it and look forward to seeing what they'll do next! Our experiences are noted yet keep in mind you and I are different ppl therefore how the spirits interact with you will not be my same experience! You have no control over the spirits nor should you expect them to show up and show out at your every call. That's not proper spirit keeper etiquette.

If you welcome your new spirit with gifts, candles, and incense upon arrival it shows respect and love and starts your bonding process off right. Believing is the first step in spirit companionship
**Please don't adopt from us with no intentions of spending time daily, and paying attention to your spirits. They deserve and want to communicate with the living and that's what our spirits get from each of us here at SpiritToSpirits.

Q&A's: Want a certain spirited vessel and don't see it in our shop just message us, we have many. Who are we? SpiritToSpirits is a coven of experienced practitioners (8 Witches including generational witches, mediums, paranormal investigators, and clairvoyants. Our shop has been within our witchy community for many spells locally. Last year we closed our subleased shop due to the world's unfortunate situation and now we offer you our metaphysical/paranormal antiques, metaphysical vessels, entities, and spellcasting services online. Our plans are to reopen locally in the near future. Our Patreon (you can follow) will have all upcoming events/happenings of SpiritToSpirits.
We only offer authentic items! We appreciate honest reviews and your support in our shop while we're building a reputable reputation and online presence.

 No refunds, no returns, final sales.